Our Products

Name/SKU Price
#1 Apical Forceps, for extracting upper incisors. Atraumair forceps are designed with enhanced beak geometries to allow for optimal access and enhance
#1 Extraction Forceps, Upper incisors. Atraumair forceps are designed with enhanced beak geometries to allow for optimal access and enhanced engagemen
#1 Standard Tooth Extracting Forceps with Serrated Carbide Beaks
#1 standard upper incisor and cuspid surgical Forceps.
#1 standard upper incisor and cuspid surgical Forceps.
#1 standard upper incisor and cuspid surgical Forceps.
#1 standard upper incisor and cuspid surgical Forceps.
#1 Upper Anterior Apical Retention Forceps, with Thin, Sharp, and Tapered Beaks.
#101 Maxillary Extracting Forceps, for Premolars.
#10S SG serrated universal surgical Forceps upper molar with straight handles.
#10S SG serrated universal surgical Forceps upper molar with straight handles.
#10S upper molars, universal surgical forceps.
#10S upper molars, universal surgical forceps.
#13 Extracting Forceps, Lower premolars. Atraumair forceps are designed with enhanced beak geometries to allow for optimal access and enhanced engagem
#13 lower cuspids and bicuspids english pattern extracting forceps.
#15 lower 1st and 2nd molar surgical Forceps.
#150 Forceps Adult Serrated.
#150 SG serrated upper incisor, bicuspid and root surgical Forceps.
#150 Universal Surgical Forceps, for Upper Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids and Roots. Upper Anterior Extraction Forceps.
#150 Universal Surgical Forceps, for Upper Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids and Roots. Upper Anterior Extraction Forceps.
#150 Universal Surgical Forceps, for Upper Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids and Roots. Upper Anterior Extraction Forceps.
#150 Universal Surgical Forceps, for Upper Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids and Roots. Upper Anterior Extraction Forceps.
#150 Upper Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids, and Root Tungsten Carbide Extracting Forceps
#150 Upper Universal Apical Retention Forceps, with Thin, Sharp, and Tapered Beaks.
#150 Upper Universal Surgical Forceps.
#150A Maxillary Extracting Forceps, for Upper Incisors, Canines and Premolars.
#150A SG serrated upper incisor and bicuspid with parallel beaks surgical Forceps.
#150A upper incisor and bicuspid with parallel beaks surgical Forceps.
#150A upper incisor and bicuspid with parallel beaks surgical Forceps.
#150AS surgical forceps with split serrated beaks.
#150AS Upper Universal Surgical Forceps with Anatomical Blades.
#150C Child Extraction Forceps.
#150K upper incisors, premolars and roots pediatric surgical forceps.
#150S SG Pediatric Surgical Forceps Serrated Upper Incisor, Bicuspid and Root with Universal 6.
#150S Surgical Forceps Upper Incisor, Bicuspid and Root 6" Universal.
#150S Upper Incisor, Bicuspids and Roots, Universal Pedodontic Forceps.
#150S Upper Incisor, Bicuspids and Roots, Universal Pedodontic Forceps.
#150SK Pedo - Upper Universal Micro Extracting Forceps.
#150STC Pediatric Upper Primary Teeth & Roots Extracting Forceps with Serrated Carbide Beaks.
#151 Cryer Lower Universal Extracting Forceps.
#151 Lower Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids, and Root Tungsten Carbide Extracting Forceps
#151 Lower Universal Apical Retention Forceps, with Thin, Sharp, and Tapered Beaks.
#151 Mandibular Extraction Forceps, Serrated, for Lower Roots, Incisors
#151 SG serrated lower incisors, bicuspids, and roots surgical forceps.
#151 Universal Extraction Forceps for Lower Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids and Roots. Lower Anterior Extraction Forceps.
#151 Universal Extraction Forceps for Lower Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids and Roots. Lower Anterior Extraction Forceps.
#151 Universal Extraction Forceps for Lower Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids and Roots. Lower Anterior Extraction Forceps.
#151A lower incisor and bicuspid with parallel beaks surgical Forceps.
#151A lower incisor and bicuspid with parallel beaks surgical Forceps.
#151AS serrated Lower Universal Anatomical Extracting Forceps.
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