Matrix Bands #3 .0015, 12/pk
Tofflemire type #1 Adult Universal .0015 gauge stainless steel matrix band, package of 12 matrix bands.
Tofflemire type #2 adult MOD wide .0015 gauge stainless steel matrix band, package of 12 bands.
Tofflemire type #13 Pedo Universal .0015 gauge Stainless Steel Matrix Band, package of 12 bands.
Tofflemire Matrix Bands #1 .002, pack of 12
Tofflemire type #13 pedo universal .002 gauge stainless steel matrix band, package of 12 bands.
Tofflemire type #14 pedo MOD narrow .002 gauge stainless steel matrix band, package of 12 bands.
Tofflemire type #1 adult universal .001 gauge stainless steel matrix band, package of 12 bands.
Matrix Bands #1 .001 Ultra Thin Dead Soft, 12pk
Mylar Strips, Clear, 0.002 gauge/ 60 microns thick 4 x 3/8, Made of Genuine Dupont Mylar
Original Tofflemire Matrix Bands, #1 .002, Adult Universal 36/pkg
Original Tofflemire Matrix Bands, #1 .0015, Adult Universal 36/pkg
Original Tofflemire Matrix Bands, #2 .002, Adult MOD Wide 36/pkg
Original Tofflemire Matrix Bands, #2 .0015, Adult MOD Wide 36/pkg
Original Tofflemire Matrix Bands, #3 .0015, Adult MOD Narrow 36/pkg
Original Tofflemire Matrix Bands, #13 .002, Pedo Universal 36/pkg
Original Tofflemire Matrix Bands, #13 .0015, Pedo Universal 36/pkg
Dental Wedge - 10 mm X-Small Plastic, Blue 100/Pk.
Dental Wedge - 12 mm Small Plastic, Green 100/Pk.
Dental Wedge - 14 mm Medium Plastic, Yellow 100/Pk.
Dental Wedge - 16 mm Large Plastic, Purple 100/Pk.
Plastic Wedges, Assorted 25 Pieces of Each Size (XS, S, M
Original Tofflemire Dead Soft Matrix Bands, #1 Adult Universal .001 36/pkg
Original Tofflemire Dead Soft Matrix Bands, #2 Adult MOD Wide .001 36/pkg
Original Tofflemire Dead Soft Matrix Bands , #13 Pedo Universal .001 36/pkg
.002 Mylar matrix Strip Straight .375 x 4, thickness 5.8 microns 1000/Pk. Can be used for composite restorations. Far stronger than acetate.
Sycamore Wood Wedges #13XT Neutral, 100/pk
Sycamore Wood Wedges #13T Green, 100/pk
Sycamore Wood Wedges #13 yellow, 100/pk
Sycamore Wood Wedges #15 Blue, 100/pk
Sycamore Wood Wedges #16 Red, 100/pk
Sycamore Wood Wedges #17 Neutral, 100/pk
Sycamore Wood Wedges Ultra Thin Orange, 100/pk
Sycamore Wood Wedges Mini Light Blue, 100/pk
T-Bands - Brass, Straight/Narrow .002" / 0.05 mm thick Matrix Bands. Self-contained matrix bands that do not require matrix retainers. Package of 100
T-Bands - Brass, Straight/Wide .002" / 0.05 mm thick Matrix Bands. Self-contained matrix bands that do not require matrix retainers. Package of 100 b
Pulpdent Wedge Refill, Blue, 12mm, 100/pk
Pulpdent Wedge Refill, Green, 13mm, 100/pk
Pulpdent Wedge Refill, White, 17mm, 100/pk
Pulpdent Wedge Refill, Yellow, 15mm, 100/pk
Directa Matrix Strips, Straight, Super Thin & Strong Plastic with High Tensile Strength & Flexibility, Package of 100 strips.
Directa Matrix Strips, Curved, Super Thin & Strong Plastic with High Tensile Strength & Flexibility, Package of 100 strips.
Wizard Wedges Matrix Wedges, Assorted 100/pkg
Wizard Wedges Anatomical Wedges, Assorted 100/pkg
Wonder Wedges 12mm Small, Natural. Interproximal Wooden Wedges, Anatomically Conformed, made of Sycamore Wood. Pack of 100.
Wonder Wedges 13mm Medium, Natural. Interproximal Wooden Wedges, Anatomically Conformed, made of Sycamore Wood. Pack of 100.
Wonder Wedges 15mm Large, Natural. Interproximal Wooden Wedges, Anatomically Conformed, made of Sycamore Wood. Pack of 100.
Wonder Wedges 17mm Extra-Large, Natural. Interproximal Wooden Wedges, Anatomically Conformed, made of Sycamore Wood. Pack of 100.
Wonder Wedges Assorted, Natural, 100/pk. Interproximal Wooden Wedges, Anatomically Conformed
Wonder Wedges 12mm Small Blue, 100/pk. Interproximal Wooden Wedges, Anatomically Conformed, made of Sycamore Wood. Pack of 100.