#1 standard upper incisor and cuspid surgical Forceps.
#10S upper molars, universal surgical forceps.
#150 Universal Surgical Forceps, for Upper Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids and Roots. Upper Anterior Extraction Forceps.
#150A upper incisor and bicuspid with parallel beaks surgical Forceps.
#150S Upper Incisor, Bicuspids and Roots, Universal Pedodontic Forceps.
#151 Universal Extraction Forceps for Lower Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids and Roots. Lower Anterior Extraction Forceps.
#151A lower incisor and bicuspid with parallel beaks surgical Forceps.
#151S Lower Incisor, Bicuspids and Roots, Universal Pedodontic Forceps.
#16 Cowhorn Surgical Forceps Lower 1st and 2nd Molar.
#17 lower 1st and 2nd molar surgical Forceps.
#18L upper 1st and 2nd molar-left surgical Forceps.
#18R upper 1st and 2nd molar-right surgical forceps.
#210S upper 3rd molar universal serrated surgical Forceps.
#222 lower 3rd molar, universal surgical Forceps.
#23 Cowhorn Surgical Forceps, lower 1st and 2nd molar universal.
#286 Surgical Forceps Upper Incisor, Bicuspid and Root Universal.
#53L upper 1st and 2nd molar-left with bayonet pattern surgical Forceps.
#53R upper 1st and 2nd molar-right with bayonet pattern surgical Forceps.
#62 Surgical Forceps Upper/Lower Incisor, Bicuspid and Primary.
#65 Surgical Forceps Upper Incisors and Roots.
#69 Upper/Lower fragment or small Root surgical Forceps.
#88L Nevius upper 1st and 2nd molar-left surgical Forceps with left split beak.
#88R Nevius upper 1st and 2nd molar-right surgical Forceps with right split beak.
#99C upper bicuspid, cuspid, and incisor surgical forceps.
#X67A Upper Molar Apical Retention Forceps, with Thin, Sharp, and Tapered Beaks.
#X74N Upper Molar Apical Retention Forceps, with Thin, Sharp, and Tapered Beaks.
#1 Upper Anterior Apical Retention Forceps, with Thin, Sharp, and Tapered Beaks.
#150 Upper Universal Apical Retention Forceps, with Thin, Sharp, and Tapered Beaks.
#151 Lower Universal Apical Retention Forceps, with Thin, Sharp, and Tapered Beaks.
#222 Lower Molar Apical Retention Forceps, with Thin, Sharp, and Tapered Beaks.
#150K upper incisors, premolars and roots pediatric surgical forceps.
#153XAS Pedo Upper Primary, Split Beaks Serrated Surgical Forceps.