Dispos-A-Bowl - WHITE 36/Pk. Plastic disposable mixing bowl. Fits securley into mixing bowl without slippage. Free-standing for use with or without mi

163-50Z505 Dispos-A-Bowl - WHITE 36/Pk. Plastic disposable mixing bowl. Fits securley into mixing bowl without slippage. Free-standing for use with or without mi
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Dispos-A-Bowl - WHITE 36/Pk. Plastic disposable mixing bowl. Fits securley into mixing bowl without slippage. Free-standing for use with or without mixing bowl. Capable for use with electric alginate mixers, dimensions: 4-7/8" diameter x 3-1/4".

Our #: 163-50Z505
MFG: Zirc
MFG #: 50Z505
Brand: Mighty Mixer
Category: Mixing Products